Operating Since 2012

Contact us for your FREE consultation today!

Tell us how we can help your loved one:

Our Focus: Helping Infants & Toddlers Thrive Developmentally


Occupational therapy for children provides real and lasting positive results:

  • improve attention
  • improve "sensory-related" behaviors (hand-flapping, humming, fidgeting, offensiveness, cravings, seeking)
  • improve confidence with self and peers
  • improve school performance and play skills
  • improve integration of primitive reflexes
  • improve self-help skills (feeding, toileting, dressing, play!)


Improve Strength & Adapt When Able

Strengthening & Conditioning

  • Strength for all distal mobility begins at the core


  • Who says not everyone can use the most common technologies? 
  • Minimal adjustments or modifications can make almost all things accessible!


Real Results

Take the knowlege, strength, and strategies learned and put them to the ultimate test!  See the real and positive results in YOUR LIFE! 


Sign up to hear from me, your personal OT right from the comforts of your home!